Eulogy by Roderick's mom
Can I have a Hot chocolate?
It was almost like Roderick thought that was the way to greet me when he saw
me. Roderick was such a gift from God and we were so excited when he was
born. I remember the excitement when we
could finally take our firstborn home, we had been dreaming about this day for
a while. He started walking at 10 months
of age, or should I say started running.
He never slowed down. Roderick
had a high level of energy, which served him well in so many ways, but it also
caused him to act before he thought at times. I’ll never forget at the age of 2
when Roderick had to sit for a time out, he looked into my eyes and said, “I
don’t want to be bad, it just happens”. There was always a special bond between
Roderick and I, and he knew that we would always be there for him. Even though
he was a strong, tough young man, he relied on us to help guide him, pray for
him, and support him through any difficulties life threw at him. When he fell,
he never stayed down, but got up with his usual energy and that wonderful
Roderick loved his brother
and sister. He thought it was his job to
make them tough and he seemed to truly believe they would thank him for it
someday. He loved Tyler and Angeline,
and always wanted the best for each of them.
Roderick started playing
hockey at age 5 and he loved the game.
It was such a good way for him to use up his energy. We had never been into sports, so that first
year we watched him but half the time didn’t know what was going on or why the
whistle blew. Hockey has become so much
a part of our lives. We love watching
Roderick play. He was passionate about the game, and always gave 100%. He never
complained about his coaches, but respected and appreciated them, and did
whatever they asked. He loved his team, and always had their back. Friendships
were important to Roderick, and he was fiercely loyal.
Roderick was so excited when
he got his learners, wherever we needed to go he wanted to take the wheel. We have a car that we aren’t using but wanted
to insure as soon as Roderick got his drivers license. Last Saturday he boosted
that car, brought it into the car garage, cleaned it and filled it up with gas.
We asked him why he did that, as it would be months until he would get his driver’s
license. He said, I have nothing to do and I just want it to be ready. On Sunday he had a job interview and he was
so excited, he told all the friends he had contact with that day about the
He was so excited about the
trip to a poultry convention we were going to take him on this week. He was telling his friends he was going to a
poultry convention and then his dad was letting him take over half of the farm.
He told me it was so funny because his friends actually believed him.
Sunday night I went down to
say good night to Roderick and he asked for a hot chocolate, I was about to
refuse but then said sure I’ll bring you a hot chocolate. I made him one, said good night and went to
bed, not knowing that would be my last moment with him.
Roderick’s tragic passing has
left a hole in our lives, as he was such an important part of it. It will only
be our faith in God that will help us carry on, but we know without a shadow of
doubt, that we will see our beloved son again. He is now with our Savior to
whom he gave his life to at a young age, and continued to follow throughout his
We want to thank you all for
your amazing support, and for making Roderick’s life such a happy one. We feel so blessed and loved by our family
and so many friends. All the food and
flowers and gifts, its beyond words.
Thank you and God bless you!
Eulogy by Roderick's Dad
Eulogy by Roderick's Dad
Dear beloved son Roderick
I don't know where to start; there are so many memories of you.
It seems only a few short years ago that you were born. I
remember the proud feelings of becoming a daddy. It was indescribable. I got
you smiling the very first day in the hospital, and that smile just kept
getting bigger and more effective.
Two years later you had a baby brother and you were so proud
taking care of your brother. Eighteen months later you had a sister. You showed
so much loving care to them.
Living on the farm gave me the opportunity to take you to work at a very young age, you wanted to do everything daddy was doing, and at one point I was a bit concerned that the chickens had to much of an influence on you when I caught you drinking water from the chickens’ water drinker:)
It didn't take long for us to realize that you were full of energy,
in our opinion at times too much. You were eager to start walking. One day I
heard something at the other end of the house. My first thought was “Roderick
fell”. I ran to check on you and you met
me with a huge smile and said daddy Look! I stood there watching a 10-month-old
kid climbing onto the freezer and jumping down.
You had big dreams at a very young age; you built what you
called your clubhouse when you were 5 years old. It had everything from curtains to tool
shelves. You painted it bright blue and orange. Sometimes that's where I would
find my tools.
Having friends over was always a highlight for you, which will
be another thing we will greatly miss, having your friends over! I hope they don’t stop coming.
You wanted to call me old man at times, I did not allow it
but when I turned forty you said I could no longer forbid you because now it
was a fact.
I drove you to hockey so many times. Many times nothing was said on the way but I
look back now and cherish time spent with you.
One thing you asked every time though, “Can we stop by Tim’s?” I will miss buying Tim’s for you.
You were a lot of work but we always saw greatness in you
and could not wait to see what you would become. We knew it would be worth all the work. You had certain morals and you stuck by
them. You were determined to do what is
Sunday night I went downstairs. “Goodnight Son, I love you”, I said. And you replied, “Good night dad, I Love you too”. I did not realize that would be for the last
Good-bye Son and see you in Heaven!
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