At times we can get caught up in fighting the devil
constantly. We talk about all the lies that he puts in our minds, lies like
it’s our fault that our son died, or if only I had done this, or if only the
doctor had done things different he would still be here. We are just focused on all the things the
devil throws our way. The Bible says resist the devil and he will flee from us.
It says he will flee so why then do we sometimes spend all day and all week and
always fighting the devil is it maybe because we are focused on the lies and
just resisting them without using the truth in return. If we have our shield of
faith ready and with confidence hold it up and every dart just hits the shield
the devil does flee, he hates a fight where he loses every time. We say the
devil puts these lies in our mind and we cannot listen to him, but do we grab
our belt of truth and speak the truth instead.
Tim Keller says: “This is something all people in the midst
of suffering and trials must remember. Yes, we must listen to our hearts. We
must learn what we can about ourselves by an honest look at our feelings. But
we must not only listen to our hearts, we should also talk to them. We should
listen for the premises of the heart’s reasoning, but we should challenge those
premises where they are wrong, and they often are. We may hear our heart say, “It’s
hopeless!” but we should argue back. We should say, “Well, that depends on what
you were hoping in. Was that the right thing to put so much hope in?”
do we find a true picture of Who God is? When our hearts have been ripped open
and when we cannot breathe because it hurts too much and when all we can ask is
why? Why? Why? Why? Why?...then instead of struggling with questions that we
don’t and may never have answers for; as a family and a community, instead of
asking those questions could we settle in on some statements that we know to be
true and that we know to be brilliantly strong? And anytime your
brain, your emotions and your thoughts begin to ask questions that you don’t
have answers for could you replace those questions with statements that are
true.” I am quoting our pastor on Roderick’s celebration service. This is one of the things he mentioned more
than once in our home and it has helped me a lot. Focus and what you know is true and do not
allow yourself to go to all the questions and doubts that you will never have
answers for. The three statements that
he mentioned in the service were: 1. God is an intimate God, up close and
personal. 2. God is grieving with us; He also misses having my boys here on
earth serving his kingdom. 3. Heaven is for real; we will see and meat the boys
all these lies, questions and what ifs come to my mind, I shake those off and
go to the statements I know to be true. We have enough truth to focus on, we do
not have to listen to lies.
So I look at it this way, if the devil throws a dart at me I
turn my shield towards that dart, if another comes I do it again but if every
dart hits my faith the devil runs very quickly and I can turn towards and focus
on my Saviour and he brings incredible comfort and light in the midst of
darkness but those lies need to be hushed for that to happen.
If you are new to this blog and wonder what happened to our boys you can find it in the post titled Our Story, on the web version it is featured on the right side of the screen.
If you are new to this blog and wonder what happened to our boys you can find it in the post titled Our Story, on the web version it is featured on the right side of the screen.